I Wonder

I wonder why I stay,

I really want to go.

Away from this sorrow away from the hate brewing deep. Away

I wonder why I don't disappear,

Vanish without a trace.

I can't stand it when you're near.

I wonder why I don't cry,

Cry for a love dead and gone,

Instead I live a lie.

I wonder why I must stay,

Trapped in loneliness and hate,

Except that I'm afraid to go away.

Afraid it'll hurt worse not to have you in my life,

Afraid of the sorrow of good-bye,

Afraid the loneliness will cut live a knife.

I wonder why you won't let me go.

I wonder why you keep me here like a prisoner, forever trapped.

I wonder if the happiness we once had is gone forever. Is this all we'll ever know?

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