

When I looked to the heavens for answers-
All I got was a rain cloud.
When I asked God if he believed in me,
All I got was silence.
When I looked to the stars for answers,
All I got were twinkles from above,
No words of wisdom to be sent down from the sky.
I was lost and hopeless.
I was alone and sad,
I had no where to turn.
I cried a million rivers,
I cursed a thousand Gods.
No one seemed to care.
No one had my answers.
Then I looked within myself.
Into the dark charred remains of a broken heart,
And there I found my answer staring back at me.
It pointed me straight to you and told me to love again.
And love I have,
With all my heart and soul.
Now I look to the stars and they smile down on me.
For you were the answer to all life's questions.

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