A Mother's Good-Bye


She left sixteen years ago today,
No "good-bye" or "I love you" was ever said-
I was a child of only ten when she passed away,
I barely got a chance to know her,
Now there' a void left deep within my heart,
For ten years isn't long enough for a girl to know her mother.
So much I wish I could have said, regrets run deep,
Simple words like "I love you" too often forgotten until it's too late to say them.
Somehow I hope she knows.
And is watching me from above.
Helping me choose between right and wrong.
I can still feel her love.
Would she be disappointed in who I've grown to be?
Sixteen years have passed, I'm a child no more.
Yet sometimes I wish she were still here to guide me.
And how does a child of barely ten deal with such a letdown?
I was strong and never cried,
At least until she was in the ground.
For then I realized-
Sometimes a mother's good-bye really is forever.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written for my mother Carol Ann Staley. she Died May 12, 1988

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