
Loneliness creeps in-
Another day gone-
Another night without sleep,
Another moment wondering when the sadness will end.
I want to be happy I want to be me,
If just for a moment-
If just for one second this pain will ease.
I want to be wild and free.
I want to forget this sorrow and doom-
Smile as the sun beats down upon my face,
Laugh into the rain.
Live free of my darkness and gloom.
Another day,
Another dream lost,
Another night,
Oh how I wish the sun would stay.
But loneliness creeps in-
Another day gone-
Another night without sleep,
I can't help but wonder why it all begins again.

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hey.. you seem to me a very good poet and this is one of your sweet poems to read your more poems if you add..and hope you will go through my poetry if it touches your heart too