Loving You


When I think of you, the world disappears,

No sorrow sinks into my heart.

No sad songs play in my mind.

The world is now yours and mine.

So many miles between today and tomorrow,

It fills my heart with tears,

Thoughts of you make me happy again.

And I wonder if I'll die of loneliness between now and then.

You are as rare as a rose in the snow,

A soul so beautiful words can't explain.

You bring so much joy to me in such little ways,

I hope this happiness always stays.

You are the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow,

A treasure my heart holds onto.

For you are the light to guide my way,

A sweet song my heart longs to play.

I can't tell you all that is in my heart,

It'd take more words than I know.

Just remember that whether you're far or near,

In my heart you'll always be dear.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written For Kos.  I love you and can't wait until we'll be together.

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David Richardson's picture

Beautifully written with so much love and total desire for another. The visualization in this masterpiece is breathtaking-your poetic skills are surely superb. Thank you for sharing this beauty with me. Please take care and have a very beautiful and safe weekend.

Dave Richardson