The One Life forgot


One hit too many,
One pill too late.
One tear on my eyelid,
For the kid life forgot.
To the world he was just another 21 year old kid-
No plans for life-
No dreams in mind-
He lived for his drugs-
And died by their hand.
It's been a year,
His grave still unmarked.
Hidden away in the back of a country graveyard,
Forgotten by even his family.
One hit too many,
One pill too late.
One tear drop on my eyelid.
For the kid that life forgot.
Wipe away the tear,
Pick up the bong,
Another hit, still not enough.
Another pill, still not high.
One last line to kill the time.
Who cares in the end we all die.
Forgotten to the world,
Unwanted in this land,
Who am I to play God?
When another hit is never enough,
And another pill is one too many?
Find a dream-
A reason to live,
Forget your hurt.
The pills only numb the pain.
Unwanted and unloved,
Unneeded and lost-
Like a soul flying through the night.
Now he'll never cry again-
He'll never hurt for what might have been.
Free from the life he lived,
so sad that it took death to set him free.
One hit too many.
One pill to late.
One tear on my eyelid.
For the kid life forgot.
Now he's just another victim of the night.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written for Luke Cornell.  He died last year of a Methadone overdose.  

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