Death Passed Me By


Alone day after day-
Night after night, I think of the ones I loved,
Death came to take their hand-
Yet from me death turned away.
I look back at my life now centuries old-
I am a vampire, immortal to the soul,
My curse is to live forever-
Death has left me in the cold.
My heart long to beat no more-
My lungs to suck their last breath,
I long to find my exit to this world,
But for me death has no door.
My life has no meaning now-
I cannot die-
And yet, I cannot live,
There must be a way out somehow.
I stand under the cold pouring rain,
Like the tears of those who are forever lost to me,
All I wanted was a little love to last forever-
Instead I have found an empty existence of heartache and pain.
How I long to say goodbye-
The life of a vampire, I desire no more.
Take me in your arms, Death, and end my sorrow
But death once again has passed me by...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A fictional vampire poem I wrote.

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