Melodrama........ 30Sept03


The play is now over as night turns to day

I hope you didn't intend it to end quite this way

There is no applause and of course not a cheer

The audience members shed more than one tear

You hopelessy stand there behind the closed curtain

Wondering how your megalomania led to discord

While I shake a little backstage with the cast

As they compliment me on my excellent performance

I try not to listen cos I know what could happen

I'd become just like you albeit laced up in satin

My selfish defiance led to your downfall

Without you I think I'll accomplish it all

Yet that downfall means nothing

I'll know just what you'll do

Convince yourself that I was wrong

Then do it all again

You're simply a scathing parasite

Your host doth cringe when you doth bite

You rob from them their money and love

It is all given freely... like the release of a dove

It's almost sad that I cared for you

Thinking that your heart was true

To your deceit I was so blind

But that I do now leave behind

I say, for once, let's be melodramatic

I mean, weren't your feelings for me simply static?

The audience did cry but the critics did weep

Without me your play flopped... into the deep.

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