Sages and Fools

Listening to the Kashmir of the day
That faraway place where I can climb and listen to the sage
On my way the fools will direct me to different places
I can't wait until I reach that far away Lumbini

The photographed Himalayan Mountains
I will trek you day and night until I reach the climax
Kilometers will become my stepping stones
I know where I’m going but I don’t know where I’m coming from

The spirit of the sages will fulfill me
I will catch the shadow under your Bodhi trees
I hope I can fulfill this hunger for addictive fulfillment
I lack something and I don't know what it is

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not done

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Though this isn't done, it's pretty awesome in my opinion. I can really get a clear picture on what you're writing, or maybe that's just my imagination running wild... BUT~! All the same. Pretty nice.