How do we cope when the clapping goes to a whisper?
I gave them my all, now I am left all alone
They were carried by my presence, every brother every sister
Now their adoration is a fading to a distant tone
It took so much of all that I had to breathe life into their air
Could they have saved a few breaths to give back to me?
They never thought of what happens. They seemed to not care.
They were gone. My emptiness they did not see
The life, the spirit of life sees them dance to them self
They continue to flow and prosper and undertake
All that we all need to consume life’s wealth
Dance with me for yours and my sake
We all know how to take, few know how to give
But it takes effort to learn and understand
That the one, me, needs you to help me live
You can choose whether you see my outstretched hand
”Hey, take me with you” to the next one who breathes
I would like to be the receiver in this game
But I know your answer, you are almost like thieves
There is no love or warmth in small fame
So, I will continue to give because that is just me
And maybe someone will see me, I hope
For the day will come when I will stop breathing life into them
Then we will see how they cope!