the big scam


 the big scam

I was looking out at the stars one night
and saw a big wheel in the sky

there was a million men 
pushing the sky

I raced to meet them 
but ended up in the museum of your thought

aaaaaaaaaaas if you 

I buried the crutch that 
you took from the sky 
to beat my brow

I burnt the stars so you could see

But all you did was take

and in exchange 
you gave me your chains

so I would be the folly of your thought 

That we are all brothers under this skin I wear 

fearful to the touch of your politics

Oh yes it was a ship 

the fools 
the stars all burnt out on the highway 

of little buster o day 
as he makes his way...............

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So much for remote viewing

So much for remote viewing with teachers like that, eh? Nice write.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "