I’m learning to fall with no safety net to cushion the blow
So be patient, be still
Give me time to adjust to all of this
Your honesty, your cruelty
Give me a chance to learn to breathe, to trust
I’m learning to walk on my own two feet, without a hand to hold
So be gentle, be kind
Give me a moment to stumble, to see
Your emptiness, your eyes
Give me the benefit of the doubt, the wise
I’m learning to love with no walls to protect me from pain
So be earnest, be sincere
Give me a reason to want this
Your passion, your disdain
Give me a reason to believe you, to care
I’m learning to do things I should already know how to do
So be forgiving, be tolerant
Give me some time to see what I need
Your support, your love
Give me what I have always given you, some faith
I don't know if it should be called retribution, but maybe. I also don't completely understand, maybe because you come so off as not being fragile, though i can definately understand you being so lol. It was good, a little long lined, but otherwise good.