


Candle light poetry
Remembrance; you and me
A wind stone soul
Forgiveness; my control

Forgotten yesterdays
Tomorrow; dying haze
Blackened wishful thinking
Balance; now I'm sinking

Tears that are falling
Eyes; lonely calling
Minds that are failing
Save; you are sailing

Waves above the sky
Broken wonder why?
Stars into the sea
Remember loving me?



Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have been forgotten, tucked inside, and lost to you

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running_with_rabbits's picture

neve in a million lives of sorrow

i will NEVER regret one word, one breathe, one tear


Much Love


Nicole.J.Burgess's picture

Of course i love you ash. lol
at least you have felt the love though
even if it hurt afterward for soo long, it had to be worth it, put it this way, if you had a chance to have never have met him at all, would you take it?
think about it


Graeme Gunn's picture

The time frame of pain
The past can hurt us
But regret is also memory
And memory is a precious thing
So do not regret your memories
Regret is a memory.