Why Now?

Parts of my life are falling apart again.

With the death of a friend's family member,

I feel all the pain I did three years ago.

I don't understand why I feel like this though.

I feel as if I'm reliving the lost of

my best friend all over again.

Can I stand this tearing of my heart again?

Can I handle the emotions again?

What am I to do?

I know I must go on but how?

I feel like I have to keep everything

inside of me but now the need to do so

feels even greater than before.

I hope I can get through this.

I know I can but I don't know

if it will be the same as before.

Hopefully I will feel better before than.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem was written after a very close friend of mine lost a member of his family.  I started to relive all the pain I experienced when I lost the friend I wrote about in the poem "Lost Friend."

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