"For Mother"

Anger & Hurt

You throw accusations,

  but at the same time

refuse to question

why I am the way I am.

I receive nothing but coldness

  from those I try to embrace.

And you foolishly wonder

  how I could be so cold.

Open your eyes....SEE!

The answer is right before you,

  yet you still idly

  twiddle your thumbs

and refuse to acknowledge my anger...

an anger I have no choice

but to acknowledge

because I'm the one

Who has harbored it this long...

harbored it for so long

because you fail to notice it...

And you fail to notice it

Because you don't want to.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this when me and my mother got into an argument.

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Jacki's picture

i really like this poem a lot. it is the same wth me and my dad so i can relate!

Rosedust's picture

I strongly agree with you on this one!!!!! Way to go for letting your feelings go! Keep up the good work!!!