"i think i'm over you now."
she says with a timid, desperate voice.
"i think i can finally live without you."
But in her heart, she screams.
"You f&cking bastard.
You low-life piece of sh#t.
You destroyed me.
You killed me.
How could you do this to me
I cared for you, gave you my
heart my life my trust my love
devoted my time and let you
into my soul for,...
for what?"
But she instead drops her head
and turns it all inward, {coward}
and learns to blame
and hate herself instead.
Oh, but isn't she doing a fine job with
"i think i'm over you now."
That's an awesome poem. Check out my poems sometime!
The nature of humans is to hope
and there is no cowardice in that.
Keep Writing - Keep the faith.