"A Quiet Reflection"


I look at you,

  (I mean REALLY look at you),

And realize

There's more to you than meets the eye.

I never thought you shallow,

It's just that I never paid attention

To all the subtle hints of

  Complexity that you meticulously

  laid out before me.

Your smile,

  (yes, your smile of all things)

Tells the story of hidden sorrows

That you've not yet overcome.

Your smile seems to gently tug

At the corners of my heart

Until I realize the depths of your suffering.

Your eyes

Speak to me of the fears you possess:

  Fears of insecurity.

  Fears of being inadequate.

A fear of failing those you love most.

And I wonder why

I didn't notice until now

All the unseen hurt you bury

Deep within the shadows of your soul,

When I see your reflection

Every time I look in the mirror.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sometimes we ignore things about ourselves, and coming face to face with the truth can hurt and stun you at the same time....

View dreameralways's Full Portfolio
James Booker's picture

Such depth, such truth; if only more can see this deep, yet, by the time they do, it's to late.

Brian D's picture

im not too good at this critiquing thing....but I must say...this one made me think alittle.