
Anger & Hurt

Swallow your thorny crown

  of heartache;

It is yours, after all;

I want no part of your

  useless depression.

Choke on the thorns as it

  strangles your soul

and squeezes your heart

into an empty oblivion.

  and swallow

the bitter words that you want to say;

Bitter words that hurt no-one

         BUT YOU.

Swallow your sharpened knife

  of circumstance.

You honed the blade,

  so let it stab at your heart

  until all your anger

leaks out and consumes you.

And swallow everything

  that pains you,

because I play no part

in the matters of your heart.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my little sis, Mary.

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Fraser Bloose's picture

good flowery poem. Provocative and lovely

omnesole's picture

Can say enough bout this piece....it was hot,hot,hot I read twice it gave me chills.