"Love Starved"

Anger & Hurt

I am always

Pushed aside and shoved

Under the table,

Forced to beg for whatever may fall.

I have always been embittered

  by this abstract of lies

  I have to call life.

I'm no good at being happy.

I've not had much practice at it.

Lady Luck never makes a stop

To graciously knock on my door.

But needy...

Needy I can do.

I can play the cynical woman,

Because that's who I am.

I am love starved.

Accept me for nothing less.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is exactly how I feel most of the time.

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Charlotte Belmore's picture

Fabulous poem m'dear!!! such a powerful poem... a treat for any reader ^_^

Rosedust's picture

sniff, sniff........[grabs tissue] Beautiful.......very well put. You know what, I don't even read this stuff

Netta Jack's picture

At times I feel the same way. I guess this one hit too close to home. Thanks for verbalizing so well the emotions I could not speak.

james's picture

very good poems,best i have read in a long time