"Love at its Darkest"

Look at the two young lovers.

They cuddle and kiss

and whisper meaningless little nothings

into one anothers ear.

And the world puts them on a pedestal,

worshipping, praising their love

as if they are the only two souls

to have ever felt it.

I say this Romeo and Juliette are selfish,

gloating in their glory,

bathing in the attention everyone

around them gives.

I am standing alone on the outskirts,

sneering at this blatantly crude display

of love and glory

at its very darkest,

wondering why these fools

choose to bask in someone else's love

instead of searching for their own.

I am surrounded by idiots.

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Afzal Shauq's picture

a sweet poem and the way you did is really impressive and like its idea and the expressions you add inside... love to read your more new poems..miss your words dearest friend.. yeah I mean it

DreamerAlways's picture

Thanks. :)

I have more poetry that I have sifted through, and I will be posting it soon. Glad to have a fan. :D