A Prayer for the Pros.

This will be my prayer for all out there and all that dare to drive an 18 wheeler truck. Today is July 3, 2005, and just yesterday I witnessed something that will stay with me till I die. An accident with three tucks, though one was only a pickup. The first rig rolled a trailer, the second tractor and all. The pickup only lost the front bumper he was the luckiest of them all. The driver walked away, though badly shaken, the second I'm not so sure, for his rig though the tires flat on the ground lay on its side. The whole tracker was so badly mangled that you could see the sleeper on the inside. The engine was thrown out to the ditch. I have always had a great respect for the professional drivers, for they keep the country rolling, so now I make this prayer for you all on the road.

For all the drivers out there, stay safe and make your destination on time. Make time to go home and see your loved ones, mom, dad, wife or husband, and kids if you have them. For many fear it will be the last time you go. Stay safe on the roads and good luck to the drivers, and may you be able to go home every time.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My father is a pro. Driver and every time he goes out I wonder if I will get to see him again. The events in this poem are true. What inspired me was I would have been in that accident had I not been in the gas station trying to find something for my father. I still hope and pray that the driver lived thought I doubt he was able to walk away I still hope he lived.

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Fawn Maddox's picture

Hey I agree with everybody on this one and I might not be christian but I wish no harm on anyone. PEACE TO ALL!

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

very evocative and heart touching

Dracona_Dragonfly's picture

kittie i know that it is very difficult to witness things like that! i love you so much! you know, things like that happen almost every day! around turkey day i was visiting with my father in onalaska and i saw in the paper that there was an 18 wheeler in the lake out there! there was only one car and the rig involved as far as i know! but the woman driveing the car was messed up in all kinds of ways (drugs) and to my understanding she was on her way to pick up her child! talking on her cell phone she tried to turn around on the bridge and an 18 wheeler ran her over! he had no way at all to stop! and even though it was not his fault that he hit her and he did live, i think he is going through a harder time than anyone in the situation because he witnessed it and could not stop it, not to mention even though it wasnt his fault he probably feels bad for the fact that he could not do anything to stop it! the rig was found in the lake but thankfully the driver was ok! but i can only emagine things that could have happened if he would not have made it out! so i do pray for him, and any others out there who may ever possibly even have a chance in that situation! and i also pray for your parents as well! i know we may not meet eye to eye all the time but i still see them as my parents in law! and i do still thank them for everything they have given me and done for me! believe it or not, they did more than what they think! and i respect them greatfully! i hope that everytime they do leave their house they make it back safely!

Trista Calderara's picture

I've never been much for praying but I do hope your parents stay safe on the road.