
Look around.

See them?

They are the ones that make you afraid to be you.

They take your soul

They are the ones that feel unloved,

in retune they make others feel unloved.

They are Children.

They need to be loved.

Love them,

The world will change.

Hurt them,

The world will still change.

Change it for the better.

You decide.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this because I had so many people looking down on me for what and who I am. The more I thought about it the more I realized that I am totally different from all the others out there, because I have never cared what others have thought of me, and I have always let others bee themselves. Try to let people be them you will find out that they are a lot more fun to be around.

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Fawn Maddox's picture

I have witnessed this poem first hand at the preschool jsut by the actions and words of the children you can see the way they are treated and sometimes it's worse than you imagined.

Dracona_Dragonfly's picture

kittie, i love you so much! you know, you are right! you do have to make a choice in life of how you want to change it! some try for the better, some try for the worse and some just dont really care! i think we should care and try to make this world a better place! i dont mean bunnies hopping everywhere and rainbows and ponies and all that other bullshit but at least try more! so many in this world have just given up on everything!

Kris Rivers's picture

you are right. you are different from any other. you no Cynthia is a pretty lucky girl.

Trista Calderara's picture

I have never looked down on you. In fact I admire that you can always be yourself.