The World's Asleep. There Is a War That's Raging

The world's asleep. There is a war that's raging,

And everyone just goes on asking why--

Why did they kill? Why did our children die?

The world's asleep, and all I feel is sorrow

For those who have eyes but cannot see--

The hate you sow today's the hate you reap

From someone's bullet or a bomb tomorrow.

Why people are this way? Why is there greed?

Why should one nation subjugate another?

Is there not enough for all we need

That we should have to murder our brothers?

The argument's the same--we are humane,

While they are ruthless terrorist extremists,

For how else would you explain those planes

That hit the towers in the midst of New York City?

And so they keep sounding the alarm,

That only adds to ignorance and zeal--

Let's bomb them all to keep our kids from harm

Before another terror threat's made real.

The world's asleep. There is a war that's raging,

And only very few keep asking why--

Why did we kill? Why did their children die?

                                      September 5, 2004


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