Joshua Thomas

My Portfolio
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In a house, next to a street

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

First off no my user name doesn't mean a thing, it's just the first initial of every one in my family.
I've like poetry practicably my whole life it start when I was around the age of 4-8 i don't remember the exact moment it actually happened, but I do know it was from a young age.
My favorite type of poetry is spoken word because of the animation of the the speakers and the way they move and speak.
I don't write one type of anything I just write what comes to my mind at that time, that is probably the reason my poems are sooooooo short. I never put a lot of time into them, they are done in the moment of how I feel and nowhere else.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

First I have to say I love rap, and that is where I receive many of my inspirations from. One of my favorite artist Talib Kweli said this once. "If you can walk you can dance, if you can talk you can sing" he says that it is a Zimbabwe Proverb, but I also believe this if you can read you can write. So who am I not to write.


Member for
12 years 8 weeks