July 2 2005


I am thrown onto a bed

He holds me down

I disconnect

Where is my mother?

It is mother’s day

There is a mother daughter sleep over for church

A woman feels sorry for me and invites me to go with her

Where is my mother?

Was I not worth fighting for?

And she left me

I am strong people think

I am smart people think and

Assume I will be ok with out them

Why did I not deserve a childhood?

I needed holding too

He hit me

He beat me

As I pleaded

I am your daughter don’t you love me?

Where was my daddy?

The one who was supposed to protect me

God, I was a daddy’s girl with out a daddy

Why did I have to be the grown up?

Why couldn’t I be the stupid and irresponsible one?

Why couldn’t you be the one I fell on?

I was falling apart inside and the only one I had to turn to was myself

And a god who was silent

Where was my mother?

Where was my father?

Where was god?

All were missing in action

All I had was myself

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