For so many years I dreamed of you
Sensed your presence
And you waited
You are more precious to me than riches
More valuable than my very breath
And I would give my life to see you live
You are my inspiration and drive
You are my child, my son
I look into your eyes and see all amazing things
Your smile can drive away the darkest storm
Each day I am amazed at how much you learn
And how wise such a young mind can be
I'm still getting to know you
And I am sure I have yet to realize the impact of your soul on me, and this world
The moment you were born everything stood still for a moment
And I knew then that everything had changed
And that this world was a better place now that you were in it
I pray for your future
Follow your heart
And enrich your mind
Take deep breaths and meditate
Dance when you can
And run with your dreams
Be still and know you are a child of the Goddess
Danielle, I felt just about the same on the day you were born, I Love you so much and I know that you are a fantastic mother to Seamus. Just tonight while you were here I was watching you with him and it brought me such joy.
To be something you never see in others is amazing. I can feel the warmth and love for your son radiate throughout your entire being. The way that you paint with your words is amazing.
I love you.