Forgive me
Please, forgive me
Forgive me I say
I never meant for it to be this way
I'd like for you to stay
for when I see her face
How could I dismay?
I've never seen her this way
all that time
all those years
I never saw such a smile
even if I didn't see tears
She was tired and worn out
but with you there is no doubt
You treat her like a princess
with gifts and kindness
So please, believe me when I say
I hated that day
that hour
that minute
I could barely stand it
She said I hurt you
I never meant to!
with my careless words
my thoughtless actions
I angered you
it created a fraction
Please believe my reaction
I cried for you
because I never meant to
and yet I hurt you
So please, listen
Listen to what I say
Forgive me
it wasn't supposed to be this way.
“offenses will come,”
"but woe be to the one who cause offenses."
I hope everything works out between you,
and your friend. I've had moments like this
on several occasions. I'm quick tempered
sometimes. The twisted side of me, but I do
hope all is forgiven.
The agony in your words pulled at me.
"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo