Moments, draining, our poured out days


Moments, draining, our poured out days
Collect in corners our sinful ways
Proclaiming choice that often strays
Soul's discretion; sometimes not, sometimes obeys.

What bounds were set by laws of stone?
What limits tradition fixed in the bone?


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Originally, I had this opening with a quote from Blake, "To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.", but the sternness of my poem didn't work with the optimism of the Blake quote.

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Zamanta De Jesْs's picture

With such few words, you disperse a lot of images, ways of thinking. A lovely read. It's hard to find good poetry, I think I'll come back for more.