your gone forever


I am forcing myself to write this

while my mind is out of the abyss

the abyss is a thought of you

a thought that makes my heart beat

a feeling that makes my body heat

one that doesn't let go

and continues to force a constant glow

I would have to forve myself to feel

the way I felt before my own deal

you see i had to let go

I had to let myself know

that it would feel right to leave

and make my heart cease to heave

but just like true loves dawn

you don't know you have it till it's gone

I'm not saying im in love

but more that Im free as the white dove

you see I have tremendous strength as one

but I had to loose control to know my search is done

my heart is still empty

but it beats so strong

because strength is plenty

and my intuition never wrong

so I say goodbye to you now

don't forget it's forever

and it's not a game thats clever

we would be happy as friends or more

and one day we will know how

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