19-The day after Valentine's Day

I'm falling in love,

And I know

That I'm just wasting my time,

'cause I'll never get to day

On which I'll make you mine.

I'm falling in love,

And I know

That I'm making a mistake,

'cause once again,

I'll let my heart to break.

At least for now,

I have few hours almost each day,

To talk with you,

That makes me happy,

More than anything else do.

Your words are,

Just piercing trough my heart,

No matter what they say.

They seem so lovely,

Altrough they almost never are.

I've spent every second

Thinking about you,

On this day however,

No wonder that I do.

Yesterday was the day,

When loved ones should be praised.

How could I praise you,

When you aren't mine?

But still I was happy

That you're having good time.

Altrough I wasn't even close to you,

And not even on your mind,

Not even for a second of time.

Today I wanted to say,

What I felt for you.

But I've had to stop myself,

'cause it wouldn't have,

Any good effect on you.

Instead I've gone ranting about my life.

Oh, why didn't I stop myself?

Or why didn't you?

Do you find me interesting,

And hope that one day

Something may grow between me and you?

Or were you just being nice,

'cause that's what you always do?

I guess you were just being nice,

'cause the only thing I can be,

Is a friend to you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I finally have inspiration again... but not a single sparkle of creativity... just bunch of thoughts written on piece paper... this poem actually sounded a lot better when I've first wrote it...

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