There was a man, with eyes bright as silver
Walking in the sunshine, his head held high.
He passed shops and trees, both red and green,
With a tune on his lips and brisk in his stride.
Nobody looked twice at him; though he smiled
at each and every being passing his side.
All because he was wearing a torn rag
They went past him, their phone in hand.
But he continued to walk, the way he always did
Oh boy! Did he bother?
No he never did.
There was another man coming that way,
Walking in the sunshine his head held low.
He passed trees and shops, both green and red
Never a tune on his lips, or a brisk in his stride.
All looked twice at him; though he never smiled
All because he wore a coat and held a pone in hand.
He continued to walk, the way he always did
Oh boy! Did he bother?
Yes, he always did.
The two men met, the man in rags and the man in coat
Their eyes met and their eyes stayed.
They stopped walking but around the people walked all the same.
Never before had the man in coat ever seen such a poor and happy man
And never before had the man in rags ever seen such a rich and unhappy man!
That instant! They both realized.
Money and happiness, they never are the same
One does not get one when one gets the other
Happiness is a state of mind and money is the reward:
Reward for the work you do; happy or not.
Their eyes shone and gleamed and hands around each other they walked,
The others all around stood in awe, their mouths wide open
For they were seeing all they could ever want.
Money and happiness!
Hi Mr.Aravinda welcome aboard the huge Ark.
Hi Mr.Aravinda welcome aboard the huge Ark. Your debut was truly impressive
Happy writing ahead ~Best wishes~BM