She drifted

into my lonely life

clinging unwavering

to a burning rope, as I

reached out to capture

her stunningly youthful body,

briefly touching a life

intensely troubled, but still

exceedingly beautiful; until she

rocketed too high

for me to see, dissolved

into abducting tips

from deadly needles, ebbing

under prophesying clouds

birthed in the float

of silver spoons, filled

with narcotic dust; giving me

no chance to say goodbye,

helplessly wretched

in total obscurity -

beneath torrents of tears

that delivered

me her same scars and lesions,

oozing out a painful agony

like an open abscess

that forces you to fall

on your knees

with no available antidote,

except to cry out

to all your God/Goddesses…

and pray. 






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nightlight1220's picture

But oh...the sheer agony that

But oh...the sheer agony that is wrought

Upon unsuspecting lovers

That dabble amongst the tender naive souls

That flirt alongside the ghouls,

Death's wanting fame,

They morph the innocence

In hearts of true men,

Into beasts of burden,

Til love's tender kisses unlace the ties

That tether them 

To roam fertile fields again.


Always love your writing.



...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


AquarianMale's picture

Thank you for penning such a

Thank you for penning such a wonderful comment. They are always a pleasure to read, and one often wonders - gee, how do these responses flow out (always) so soothing and intense, as if your gift comes so naturally. Words to be cherished ... indeed. Sorry also for my delay in responding. I have been lost in a chasm - I hope will never plague me again.