The Death of Domestic Violence


He abused her delicate hungers, taking

everything a self-seeking ego demands, as it

thumps through bulwarks of breakable emotions,

leaving them defenseless and tattered. Goaded

by fear into assaultive submission, wounded,

maltreated, - powerless alone to shackle his bad

bad boy comportment and vile insecurities.


Then suddenly the woman became furious;

piqued like a baneful, offended child, demanding

her revenge from the last lullaby of a wicked

dream. Apathy smashed into fierce, portentous

altercations, as she bled out her hemorraged

wounds into volcanic explosions, more ravenous

than demons feasting on a deported soul.


Domination struggles were dreadfully perilous

like growling Pit Bulls fighting in a bedroom closet,

bitch temper snarly, lethal as two King Cobra

snakes cornered in a flaming, tempestuous

orb. His drunkenness unremorseful; a rehab

coward standing in the shadows of pathetic

justifications for behaviors he refused to own.


There is no everlasting salvation for men seeking

to gratify their own evil, especially those living

misogynistic, sin splurged lives. Such were the fires

that burned down redemption on the days

he physically beat her. A woman’s hope shattered

into chards of broken memories, as angry scars

rose from the black eyes of yesterday to fight back.


He called her a whore, a witch … not one thing

true. Every slander false, used only to insult and

humiliate what remained of her broken spirit. She

was now confined like a lightning bolt in an hour

glass, as his swears grew intense with vulgarity;

violence erupting into flying fists, hair pulling,

ball kicking, and bites wherever teeth would fall.


The prick accused her of cheating, but none

of it was fact. Money missing his fault to run out

and buy more crack. Yet he blamed her anyway,

with arguments that now turned deadly when

both decided to run, he to another woman, she

to buy a gun. Restraining orders were violated,

every single one, until she finally blew him away.


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