Ashes and Dust

Sorry, I seemed to have

totally alarmed

and frightened you. Conceivably I am

far too emotionally intense to inspire

or converse one-to-one. I think

that I should have left you

alone. Again, I regret

interrupting your attentions

and devotion

to your work. I am beginning

a new understanding

of how utterly unworthy I am

to occupy your time

and energies. Hence I shall confine

communications to a dungeon

of reckless solitude,

where I will feed on the salt

from my own tears. You complete my

heartfelt agonies, although I do

not know why, you drown me

with ephemeral jabs

of static pain. I bleed when you run

from me, but I will muzzle my words

because they must be poison, and allow

myself to be driven 

to the stagnation of a severed death.


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AziVsH's picture

I like this

You write really well. Some of your stuff is too erotic and sexual for my preferences, but that doesn’t really matter. You’re poetic and emotionally vivid. It’s like you’re painting a picture with your words. I really like the way you write. 

AquarianMale's picture

Thank you sincerely for your

Thank you sincerely for your comment. I don’t think I write sordid or overly obscene, but mostly about deep desires and intimacy. I do not mean to offend anyone. Sorry if that has occurred in any way. Yes, sometimes I push the limits of decency – though not often, but for two people in love, sex is simply as natural and beautiful as stars twinkling in the universe. I write the way I do because part of me (the feminine side) has been in exile since the dawn of creation. Man – woman are not complete without each other, and when they unite, the combined powers and strengths are the most awesome energies we can ever experience. Buddhist say it is the emptiness of a cup that is useful. Indeed one must craft a void in order to create anything, as a black hole created our galaxy, so too the hollow womb of every woman can create generation after generation. I adore woman to the core, right down to everything they ooze and secrete. I am deeply aware of their potentials for harm, comfort, mothering, loving, and causing both the greatest heartaches and greatest pleasures man will ever experience. They are complex creatures, and if anything, what I write about them is grossly oversimplified. Men should die to protect them because without such beautiful creatures, we would be no more.