I'm tired of waiting here just wasting my time
I have given up for a while already
I just have to get over liking ........ so much
People wanted to see, how I really am on the inside
but when the real me comes out no one believes me
and tells me to be myself.
Now, it will be buried away under all this HATE
the pain that will transform into living armor
I give up this "game" wondering why people call it a game
for to me it is not a game and i truly believe that PPL I need
is love.
So if I can't find it I will live without it
and no one will ever know the pain I endure
ever again.
I'm tired of this pain I'm tired of people telling me to move on
I'm tired of people telling me it'll be all right
especially when it doesn't, I'm tired of hearing
that I fell for the wrong girl
No more worrying, No more thinking, No more pain
No more expressing my self with stupid words
Ill just move on.
I will no longer step forward with the hope
that all my actions will bring forth a smile upon the faces
of all my loved ones.
I will no longer step forward with the hope
of getting stronger,
I'm tired of everyone telling me to help myself
before helping another
I'm tired of indirectly being told to be selfish
No more heart, it's too tired it has died
No more soul it too is tired it too has died.
I'm glad to have met people that created my pain
that have the little life i had left.
However I am sad that people don't believe
my pain exists.
Now it will be locked away as I step forward
into oblivion allowing the river of thoughts
to assimilate me.
no more TALKING
no more POEMS
no more MIND
no more BODY
no more SOUL
no more ME
"The greatest thing, you'll ever learn is to love and be loved
in return."
"All you need, people is love"
But i understand now what in 28 yrs ive waisted my time believing in people believing that there trully good people in this earth when everyone at one point they all do is hate.
do not get offended for i really dont care go talk shit make it up too for one day destiny it self will be looking for you.
I know i aint perfect i know i make mistakes but is not your problem to point them out for life will charge me one day and i will have to answer for them.
Now with no heart with no soul my body is cold
all has broken down for me I must give up i must retreat
I must recover I must analyze my options once more
only then will I stand up again to fight with renewed spirit.