Letter to Myself Part 1

Have you ever noticed that everyone seems to get meaner as you get older? Back in elementary school, everyone always looked at you a little too long and they didn’t pick you to be on their team for gym class. Back then, though, no one would have dared to call you overweight. But now you wish that that was the only thing they called you. Now, they call you fatty and Ms. Piggy. They poke your thighs so that they jiggle. They tell you that no one would ever want you, that you are way too fat for anyone to ever love you. They say that you should try to be anorexic and maybe that would make you thinner. They don’t know that you’ve tried to stop eating, but you can’t.

          You’re starting to believe what they say. When you lay in bed at night, their words run through your head. You cry yourself to sleep and pray to that God will make you skinny overnight. But every morning when you wake up, you’re still fat.

          They say that you’re worthless. They say that you should kill yourself.

          Maybe you will.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is part one of an assignment I had to do for school. It was to write a journal entry from someone elses point of view or about someone who has an issue that you normally wouldn't be able to relate to.

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Yeah, I definitely understand

Yeah, I definitely understand what you are saying and I really appreciate that you took time to leave such a throurough comment :)


I wrote it as if the person was writing to themself if that makes sense. I find that when I write in a diary it is easier for me to ease my pain or assess a situation better if I can remove myself from it and imagine what the situation would look like to someone else, so I'm not sure if I am going to change it to first person, but you definitely gave me something to think about :)

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Journal Entry

POV: Grandson


I am feeling crushed. They yell at me for all kinds of stuff that don't make no sense. I do the best I can to please mom and dad and grandma, but it's never enough. I forget things. Yeah, but I'm only ten and they usually let me know I forgot to put the bowl in the sink or to take out the trash.


I am getting A's finally. They wanted A's all the time, so I study and study and still squeeze in karate and kumon, but hey, there is only so much time in a day and already I can't watch tv or use my ipod or my computer. Grandma lets me user hers for school reports and special school research projects which is cool. I listen to her music from her record player or ipod and she always plays michael jackson for me. I'm a d dancin' machine like mj.


Well, it's about 8:35 pm. now and I have to take a shower and get my snack, brush my teeth, and stretch out the time beyond 9pm which is my bedtime. Tonight the goal is 10pm. Wish me luck.



10:05 p.m.



Yr paper should have been in first person (I instead of You).  ~~Lady A~~