Two Out of Three

Free Verse

When I was five, I only wanted three things

to be an artist

to have friends

and to be happy.

All I ever wanted was to draw

beautiful pictures

that everyone would see

and to have people who loved me

see what I had accomplished and be proud of me.

I thought that that would make me happy.


I am no longer five, but I have gotten two out of three

because I am an artist

and I do have friends.

But I don't think I could have imagined

that the only pictures I would draw

were those etched in my skin

that repulse the ones who love me and 

are nothing to be proud of and I guess that

maybe that's why I'm not happy.


I always thought that I could live

with two out of three, but I am beginning

to see that I can't.


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a.griffiths57's picture

    To live without happiness



To live without happiness is unreal I think. Maybe you can have your portraits on your skin lasered off and removed. A good poem in full explanation of your emotions regarding the portraits. Well written and a good read.

iwonderwho's picture

pursuit of happiness. i feel

pursuit of happiness. i feel like everyone now in days is on it. i am too. we can all biologically live without happiness, but that emptiness we feel inside never goes away. it's heavy and we can feel its weight every step of the way. 

and maybe exchanging the skin for paper, maybe that would help. there's nothing like a piece of paper flooded with emotions. 

allets's picture

Dwell On Happiness

Love excludes those who hate

happiness is wondrous delusion

fame takes flight eventually

friends fade, new friends fade too.


Always is a hope that never stays

lasting peace becomes overwhelming

war. The soul weeps and lets the mind

comfort and cheer. We make joy

like an excellent wine. It takes time

and spring water.






Enjoyed the poem ~Lady A~

