

You speak with knives that cut me

inside the places

I try so hard

to hide.


You would know nothing of me unless you

ask but maybe that's my fault for wearing this



For when the mask falls, there is just

me, lonely and bare with jagged

broken pieces of who I used

to be.


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marinazartman's picture


Nice flow. I loved the last stanza. We all wear masks and it only falls when we think someone can be fully trusted.

annasmith7813's picture

And we hope they won't

And we hope they won't disappoint us but rather that they will accept us. Thank you for the read

iwonderwho's picture


The second stanza is a much more artistic way of saying "you know my name, not my story" Smile

I also loved the last stanza

annasmith7813's picture

That's exactly what I was

That's exactly what I was going for :) Thank you!

Incompl's picture

I absolutely love the end! 

I absolutely love the end! 

Let your teeth show

annasmith7813's picture

Thank you! :)

Thank you! :)