
Dangling, hanging, the strings float to the ground.
Fluttering, cascading, rolling through the crowd.
Her eyes are glazed over, the pupils missing.
Goosebumps rise where the wind is kissing.
The scratches and bruises are there for everone to see;
Her puppeteer jabs her with a delighted leer.
Screaming, screaming, so sliently in her own world.
Trying to keep quiet so her life doesn't unfurl.
He laughs, cackles, and continues his game.
He's been at it so long, she's forgotten her name.
The strings snap and twist as she tries to break free,
While he just jerks her back with a snort of glee.
Blood drips from the hooks at her back;
While the rats at her feet begin to attack.
The lights are on her too bright,
Something's going wrong here this night.
Got to break free, rid of my shell.
Can't hear his cackles as he draws me into Hell.
Nothing to loose, and no time to spare;
Her fingers wound around the strings in pairs.
She tugged and pulled with all her might,
And the strings fell down and dropped in her sight.
I love youu, twinn<3.
Miranda Loves You
I love you too. <3.