In a brief moment of emotion I did it.

I gave up my power.

I stood on the brink of my own emotion and gave it away.

Admist a time over my heart being broken I gave up my power.

I will not give up my power. My energy to be all and nothing at once.

I spent part of today getting it back, the power I accidentally gave to you.

I stood on the mountaintop and screamed it.  I love this woman, and then was emotionally beaten to a bloody pulp.

I will not give up my power. I have had it for over a hundred years.

You sense me there all the time, yet you will never find peace and love again.

My heart broke yet finding a new connection without looking.

Your power comes from anger and mine from peace.

I will not give up my power for you.

Just another name on your bedpost, another notch on your gun.

Realization that I was nothing more than a long term rebound.

Standing up from myself and drawing off ancestral power. Me, mine, and all.

I will not give up my power.

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honey811's picture

This is true never give up your power, but always use your power for good. Great piece