His name was Daniel Lee

and as soon as I accepted the fact he was there.

He was gone.

I didn’t know if the baby was a boy or girl.

I just jumped to boy status.

I heard the words I never want to hear again.

“The baby is gone.” That phrase rings through my ears like s sledgehammer.

I am hurting so bad inside. I think what if, did I do something wrong.

I feel so empty inside.

I realized he was there before the tests confirmed  it.

How did I not know he was gone?

The child I never got the know. A death without a marker, no grave

just a number that it happens a million times a year.

The person I decided to take responsibility for, and

now I feel so irresponsible.

I can’t get over it. One minute he was here,

and the next gone.

I just want to curl up in a ball and die.

I’ve lost my will to go on living.

I want to go back home, but if I did that I’ve completely failed in life,

and the people who said I wouldn’t make it would be right.

I’ve lost so much in the past year. My daughter, my father.

My perfect job, a good hair day, and now another child.

I just wan to scream,”it’s not just cells to me!!!,

It had a name; his name was Daniel Lee, named after his sister and grandfather”.

Part of me wants to believe he’s with them looking down, saying,

hey mom, dad, it’s okay. We just weren’t ready yet.

Another part of me thinks , if I wouldn’t of drove back to Kansas,

if I wouldn’t of held everything in all the time.

If I wouldn’t of contemplated aborting him.  If I had been stronger, if I had slowed down. If I wouldn’t have told a anybody until Christmas.  If I would’ve been a better person.

Maybe he’d still be here. I wish he were here. Taking me through morning sickness and late night heartburn. Keeping my stomach upset all the time.

I want to tell him I made plans for you. I was going to be there no matter what.  Through your first junior Mensa meetings, your first day of school, the first time someone broke your heart.

Now there is no one.  I thought when I found out he was there my life would be wonderful, for he came from feelings his father and I have for each other.

Someone to know, and love the real me other than his father.

But now Daniel is gone, and no one can take his place.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is one of my most requested poems hope you enjoy it

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