Allow me this moment to feel manhood between my legs.

Allow me this moment to look at myself enjoying a strong man thrusting himself into longing thighs.

Allow me this moment to let a fantasy become reality, not that I need a relationship, but physical touch.

Allow me this moment to feel your tongue run across my long, electrical nipples causing me to flow like a waterfall.

Allow me this moment to have you spank my hard ass as you’re thrusting inside me doggy style.

Allow me this moment to slide my hands over your manhood and squeal with delight.

Allow me this moment to just touch you as you touch me.

Allow me this moment to just be myself, the bad girl and freak that I am.

Allow me this moment to take a deep breath and slide your cock down my throat as I swallow you whole.

Allow me this moment to be the free-spirited black dharma I am.  The one who dances naked under the full moon.

Allow me this moment to quote, “get hetro sex out of my system”, so I can pick which side I’m on instead of being bi.

Allow me this moment. Oh, allow me this moment to enjoy the passion fires that have always burned inside me since I moved back to Kansas .  Not finding anyone who has come close to satisfying me.

Allow me this moment to go back to my old profession of dancing while I take my clothes off. Wrapping my legs around you like you’re a pole.

Allow me this moment to just be the naughty nice girl most people want but never admit to.

Allow me this moment .

Just allow me this moment.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Needed something more like me

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Patrick's picture

Wow! This poem captures the aching need of one who has been trapped in-between two different worlds...Absolutely fantastic.

ladylynn's picture

thank you

I apologize for the late reply. thank you for the compliment.