I release you from your power. The power I gave you because I’m a sucker for a sob story.
I release you from your power to emotionally blackmail me because of your old baggage.
I release you from your power of me being slave and you being master.
I release you from your power and take the mental whip you’re using on me from your hands.
I release you from your power of putting me down because of your own self-esteem issues.
I release you from you power to ever touch me again, and ask you HOW DARE YOU…
How dare you throw dirt on my grave. I may be dying, but am not dead yet.
How dare you make it where I have to be a caged bird to your uncomfortable ness and jealousy.
How dare you make me believe that it’s not okay for me to be “the pretty one”.
How dare you try and chase away my family and friends. YET YOU TRY…
Yet you try to use both faces of yourself, the my wife is perfect and the my wife is the devil.
Yet you try to tell me I am your angel and saved your life while you are destroying mine.
Yet you try to find out about my financial personal information although you say you aren’t.
Yet you try and treat me like I’m uneducated, them, a child, needing only you, not strong enough to stand on my own.
Yet you try to control all of me, especially MY TEARS…
My tears are my personal emotions to only be shared with people who love me.
My tears, hopes, dreams, faults, life is mine, not yours to share with the entire world.
My tears are a sacred part of me you chose to try and use against me.
My tears will never again be shed in front of you, for I am the pretty one, strong of will, giving my words wings with power.
go tell him. you are the pretty one. good stuff my friend.