I took the keys and unlocked the door.

She was waiting for me.

She sat in the darkness,
her green eyes flickering a mixture
of suspicion, disdain, and
a dash of contempt.
A chill ran through me.

I turned on the light.

We regarded each other without speaking.

I stood with the door open, unsure of her next action.

You can do two things with that door, her eyes seemed to say.
Close it or exit.

She herself remained silent.

I gently closed the door.

Uneasily, I shifted my weight from
one foot to the other.
What do I do now?
I thought.
No false moves, that's for certain.
If I just start charging towards her
She might go up one side of me and
Down the other.

There might be blood loss.

I sat down on a chair and took up a book.
As I perused, she slowly began to relax.

She inched her way across from me.

I occasionally peeped an eye at her.

As she unwound, I began to do things
to test her trust.

I slowly got up and turned off a light
and sat down.

She stayed put.

After a couple of minutes, I turned on
the light.

No rebukes.

A couple more minutes go by.

I close the book and turn
off the last light. I made my
way to the bedroom.

She never stirred.

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