Your gentle encouragement has

Helped me to slowly bloom.

Even though outwardly I ask for criticism

(While shaking in my shoes)

You are always tactful and

Uplifting. So I say

Allez Allets !!!

(Go Stella!)

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bishu's picture

Angry Laughter Ms

Thank U for being my PP friend. Many of my PP friends keep away for weeks on end... I hope you won't. Please do keep PP an enjoyable site as it is Be Angry Keep Laughing Laughing~Neo friend B~



AngryLaughter's picture

Bless you Bishu!

I hope I won't stay away for weeks on end either! And thank YOU!

allets's picture




It is gratifying to receive accolades from the co-poetically challenged. Patch it as we can, it is nice to be okayed by the okay. U might rock more, if you could possibly rock a little less. All I can say is we rock and rock on!  Awwwww... and thank you sooooo very much. I'm smiling pathologicaly right now! :D  ~ Je suit Allets


Just reread on 03/30/15 Awwwwwwwwww . . .
