Poetry Improv (My best friend and I wrote this) 10-25-05

An open bridge of sense,

trying to find the key to stay alive.

He scrambles down to the mud,

trying to find the right way to survive.

Obstacles are so great, you can't decide.

You just want to jump, forget consequences.

But it'll solve nothing.

Suicide will never help if you don't succeed.

So you travel along, thinking to yourself;

look at the pretty colors, as your head starts pounding.

Pounding as if something is trying to get out.

The thoughts and opinions that you hide from all.

So I start screaming, as my shrill scream

beinds me, I lose sense of everything. I'm floating.

When I let loose the world was new.

A place so clear, I could finally be me.

Scalding water consumes your inhumanity,

as you sink lower, into a black abyss.

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