Not everyone is bad

Serious poems

Not everyone is bad
Maybe they act atrociously because they're mad
Or maybe they're sad

Maybe they need a cuddle
To help them get out of their little muddle
To help them not be befuddled

Maybe they need a chat
To make them smile like a Cheshire cat
Or make a joke for them to laugh at

Maybe they need you to understand
That sometimes they might need a helping hand
Support them when they fall and help them stand

Maybe they need you to hear them out
To give them the benefit of the doubt
Let them know you'll be about

Maybe they just need you
To help them with the problems they go through
Someone they can open up to

Be the best friend that they have ever had
If you're there for them,I'm sure they'll be glad
Not everyone is bad

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspiration from my friends!

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a.griffiths57's picture

Not everyone is bad:



Marvellous poem, especialy when you say you wrote it when you were just seven. Loved the way the poem reads and its rhyming. The message to is very relevant and will never be out of date. Good read.

nightlight1220's picture

Methinks most the time people

Methinks most the time people act what they are feeling when they are atrocious, and they are trying to tell you to leave them alone, but I love the way your poem is written. It could be a nursey rhyme!!


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "