Gone Too Soon

Gone so soon from our lives
We weren't ready to say goodbye
Your husband, Your children,your babies one by one
All can't accept you're really gone
We all walk along with our head held up high
But if we look down We would start to cry
When we are all alone there are simple wishes we would make
For the simple thing to make this easier to take
Just one last sound of your sweet voice
One more time to see your face
One last time to kiss that smile
Or hear your laugh just for a while
But now these are memories

We can't erase 
And they will have to do
Because we know these wishes won't come true
You left behind so many who loved you
Some aren't as strong as those arms above you
We love you mom
We always will
But now you're now that special angel up on that hill
So please watch over us as you have always done
Because we still need you mom
Your loving
Daughter Husband and Sons

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I lost my mom on Dec 18th 2008. I wrote this for her and it was read at her funeral a week later. It's been a month. And I am still waiting for it's going to get easier part to start.

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