Make this sadness go away.
Make me trade this pain for love.
Can i make this pain go away,come back another day.
I see the sadness in her eyes and i want to put her mind at ease.
Why am i shattered glass to bless an oath i vow to keep to her even if i die.
I see the sadness in her eyes i'll trade my life if it means trading her sadness for her passion.
My human body can die but my vows to her allow my spirit to live for her.
Stare to the heavens glance at her face and i don't need anything else in a world that needs so much more love instead of hate.
Look at that face know what i cry for,kiss her hand and know what i'll die for.
Without her breaks my sanity down and void inside.
Discovering insanity is a line you cross to just to cross another line.
Make this pain go away make this sadness go away come back another day.
Dream of an angel and know inside this is what i cry for become one know this is what i die for.
There is no greater privilege or a greater vow than a oath of love.