
Spring 11

It takes a story to make a hero
Enlightenment to organize a cause
We all ride onto the fog on the horizon
But we all take different roads
They call it a "route we choose"
As well as it being "set in stone"
It takes one belief to break a bond
While a billion others remain confused
Torn apart by two different sides
Good or bad, red or blue
Lights can expose more than just truth
But those billion sit quietly in the dark
Nowadays we have two lanes
And more seem to be coming than going
The back roads are blocked and nobody
Mentions what they've seen in the fog
Most people take the ride alone
No help, no hints, just the unknown
And are exposed by the brightest of lights
Royal blues and blood reds
are washed out
Coming back light pink
Coming back baby blue

It takes thought to inspire thought
Like a bird being pushed to learn how to fly

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palewingedpoetess's picture

Very thoughtful prose.........

I really enjoyed your angle. Read several of your poems. You do seem to have quite a quirky unique way about writing. A thorough pleasure it was to read your many poetic rants. I hope you come back to share more of your rhymes from the road. Sincerely Melissa Lundeen.